
Professor Godfrey Ignatius Muguti

MBChB(Zim) MS(Syd) FCS(ECSA) FRCS(Edin) Cert. HPBSurg(RACS) Hon FRCS(Eng)

Professor Muguti is the immediate past President of the College of Surgeons of East, Central and Southern Africa (COSECSA).  He is the Professor of Surgery and Professorial Chair in the Department of Surgical Sciences at the University of Zimbabwe.  He is also an Adjunct Clinical Professor of Surgery in the Department of Surgery at Stanford University School of Medicine, USA and Medical Director of The Avenues Clinic in Harare. He trained in Zimbabwe, Edinburgh, U. K. and Sydney, Australia. He did a Fellowship in Hepatobiliary Surgery at Westmead Hospital, University of Sydney. Before joining the Department of Surgical Sciences at the University of Zimbabwe as an Associate Professor he had worked for 10 years as Head of Department of Surgery and Consultant Surgeon at Mpilo Central Hospital and the United Bulawayo Hospitals, Zimbabwe. His clinical and research interests are in general surgery and plastic and reconstructive surgery. He established the Plastic Surgery training programme in Zimbabwe and has contributed substantially to the development of plastic and reconstructive surgery in the COSECSA region in his role as the first long serving programme Director in the College. In the field of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery he was the first to describe a modification of the dissection of the deep inferior epigastric artery island myocutaneous flap (DIEA) to produce a sensate flap. He has worked as a Consultant Surgeon in Zimbabwe and the United Kingdom and has been Clinical Tutor at the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, U.K. Professor Muguti has served as a Commissioner on the Zimbabwe Health Review Commission and Foundation President of the Surgical Society of Zimbabwe.  He is past Editor – in – Chief of the Central African Journal of Medicine. In 2016 he was invited to deliver the annual Rowan Nicks lecture at the Annual Scientific Congress of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and was awarded the College Medal.  He was awarded the Honorary FRCS(Eng) by the Royal College of Surgeons of England in 1997. More recently he was the featured Guest Speaker at the ReSurge International 2023 Transformations Gala in San Francisco, USA and was awarded the Donald R Laub Humanitarian Award for his successful leadership as President of the College of Surgeons of East Central and Southern Africa ( COSECSA). In September 2023 he was awarded the Zimbabwe Medical Association Lifetime Achievement Award for services to medicine. Professor Muguti has been the main driving force in the establishment of the University of Zimbabwe International Centre for Surgical Simulation (UZICSS). The Centre which was established as a collaboration between the University of Zimbabwe and Karl Storz, Endoskope, Germany was designed as the training hub for minimally invasive surgery in Zimbabwe and Sub-Saharan Africa.