Qualifications: MBBS, MS, MASE, Hon.PhD, FAIS, FRCS, FRCS, FAIS.

Queen Mary University of London
Barts Cancer Institute
Old Anatomy Building
Charterhouse Square
London EC1 6BQ
Email: b.patel@qmul.ac.uk
Twitter: @surgicalsimuk


  1. Professor of Surgery & Director of Robotic & Laparoscopic Surgical Skills at
  2. Queen Mary University of London, UK
  3. Consultant Upper GI Surgeon, Barts Health NHS Trust London, UK.
  4. Network Director Upper GI Surgery- Bart’s Health NHS Trust
  5. Laparoscopic Surgery Tutor – Royal College of Surgeons of England
  6. Director of MSc Surgical Skills and Science University of Malta
  7. Founder President of Society of Surgical Simulation
  8. Editor-in-Chief Journal of Surgical Simulation

Prof B Patel is Professor of Surgery & Director of Robotic & Laparoscopic Surgical Skills at Queen Mary University of London. He is also Consultant Upper GI Surgeon at Barts Health NHS Trust London, UK. His clinical expertise includes Surgical Oncology, Laparoscopic Surgery and Upper GI Surgery for benign and malignant diseases. Prof Patel is passionate about globalisation of competency based surgical education and has shared his expertise as invited speaker, international chair and faculty at surgical and technology conferences globally. He is a world leader in integrating technology enhanced learning in robotic and minimally invasive surgery across all surgical specialties. In October 2005 created the world’s first Masters course in acquiring surgical skills by virtual reality simulation to fast-track surgical training. He has also pioneered the concept of “Hands on Laparoscopic Surgical Training On-line” for democratisation of surgical education by launching world’s first immersive distance learning Master’s course in 2018 using multimedia platform including VR, eLearning, mobile phone and portable laparoscopy box trainer. His main research interests include surgical simulation as a tool for acquisition and retention of surgical skills and developing technology enhanced learning curriculum for surgical training. He is also Editor in Chief, Journal of Surgical Simulation and founder of Society of Surgical Simulation. He enjoys rambling and hence spends weekends on long countryside walks’ with wife and dog called “Masti”.